Once again, the Joint Swiss Cytometry Meeting from 5 to 7 February in Zurich will be co-organized thogether with the SCS. So reserve the date in advance and look forward to an exciting meeting on the topic of cellular therapies, among other things.
Thank you to all speakers and participants!
It was a very interesting and busy time at this year’s Diagnostics Meeting. The very well-attended meeting offered the opportunity for networking and a lot of good professional input. Special thanks go to our keynote speaker S. Böttcher, who presented a comprehensive overview over the dignostics of B-NHL and allowed a glance into the future of the Euroflow Panels.
The crash course was also very well attended and there were interessting cases presented, which provided plenty to discussion about afterwards.
We hope to see you all again next year again at the Diagnostic Meeting, which will take at the end of May 2025!
SSH Diagnostic Meeting 2024

It is our pleasure to invite you to the 4th SSH Diagnostic Meeting, which will take place from 19 – 20 June 2024 at the Zentrum Paul Klee in Bern. The first day will be of interest for all our members and technicians as it will be organized by the SCS and we will again offer crash courses for less specialised trainees.
The detailed program you can find here.
In general the two-day meeting is designed to contribute to the clinical application of all techniques in the diagnostic field of hematology and will include the traditional microscopy course, as well as courses on hemostasis, flow cytometry, hematology genetics, immune hematology and transfusion medicine.
For more information and registration, please visit https://www.sgh-ssh.ch/ssh-diagnostic-meeting/
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Berne!
SCS Spring Conference 2024
We tank all the speakers, participants and sponsors for an interessting and lively Spring Conference in the very nice auditorium of the Agora Cancer Research Center. The conference gave broad input on the diagnostic and MRD of plasma cell myeloma. Additionally the general assembly took place and we heartly welcome the new members of the SCS and are happy to announce that Ulrike Bacher, Francoise Solly and Mathias Hauri have been confirmed in their second board term. Information on the General Assembly can be found soon in the member area.

SSH Diagnostic Meeting 2023
We thank the speakers of the SSH Diagnostic Meeting 2023 for an interesting and interactive crash course and lectures. The new format with crash course in Flowcytometry was well attended and will continue to be a part of the engagement of the SCS at the SSH Diagnostic Meeting.
Special thanks goes to Jennita Slomp and Nicole Borghuis Enschede (NL) for the insight into the dutch MRD AML work.
As member you can find the presentation from the SSH DM in the member area.
Job offers from SCS associated lab
Please find here an open Job description. We will continue to post open position in SCS associated labs here and under links.
Swiss Cytometry Society Spring Meeting 2023: Review
We thank all the participants for an inspiring meeting!

This year’s SCS Spring Meeting was a first-time collaboration together with the Swiss Cytometry Meeting. A joint program was created, which enabled a lively exchange between clinically active users of flow cytometry and the research groups present. The Plenary Session talks, among others with MC Bene, as well as the Best of ESCCA formed an inspiring event with a special glance at the future of flow. And of course the General Assembly Meeting took place. The minutes of this meeting as well as all SCS talks including Best of ESCCA are available in the members area. The meeting was very well attended and a further cooperation will be evaluated for the next cytometry meeting in two years.
SCS General assembly and new Board composition
During the SCS Spring Meeting the General Assembly took place including the welcome of several new SCS members and election of the Board. After 6 year as Board member and 3 year as president of the SCS Jan Dirks had to finish his valued work for the Board. But we are grateful that he will continue to support the board for another year as an honorary member and help the new president to settle in.
We are very pleased to announce that Bijan Moshaver was willing to take over the lead of the SCS and was elected new president. We are as well very happy to welcome Cassandra Hogan from HUG as new board member. Bijan Moshaver and Corinne Widmer were both elected for their second term in the board.
Swiss Cytometry Spring Meeting
1st to 3rd February 2023, Joint meeting of the SCS and the University Cytometry Core Labs in Switzerland

We are looking forward to a very interesting SCS Spring Meeting, which will start on February 1st. We will discuss exciting and important topics and are proud to have Prof. Marie-Christine Béné as speaker, an expert in the field of AML MRD diagnostics. In addition to the SCS General Assembly, relevant information on IVDR will be shared and a Best of ESCCA meeting will be presented. Furthermore, this meeting is organized in collaboration with the Swiss Cytometry Meeting and offers our members the opportunity to attend the scientific lectures of our research colleagues and to get input from this field.
The preliminary program you can find here.
The registration link can be found here and will be sent to all members by mail. There will be a special discount for technicians. In this email only there is also the possibility to register for the MRD workshop, where the analysis of rare events can be tested by means of different analysis software.
We are excited about this opportunity to present to our memeber a very special SCS Spring Meeting.
We are looking forward to meet you all there!
2nd SSH Diagnostic Meeting
The 2nd SSH Diagnostic Meeting took place on the 22 and 23 of June and was very well attended. At the first day there were key note lectures to topics in molecular diagnostic (Peter Valk) and on Hemostasis (José M. Bastida Bermejo) followed by Case discussion of interessting flow and molecular diagnosis. The day ended with an excellent review of the EHA 2022 meeting.
The second day was dedicated to the well known mikroscope course with special focus on monocytosis diagnostic (António Almeida, HLUZ, Lisboa, Portugal).
We are looking forward to next year to the 3rd Diagnostic Meeting.