The SCS autumn meeting took place virtually with exciting talks by Prof. Béné and Dr. van der Velden on the topic of MRD in AML. The gating strategies were shown very vividly with examples and the topic of unsupervised gating was discussed very lively. We thank the excellent speakers for a great meeting. The next meeting will follow up on this topic and we will send more information to the members soon.
1st SSH Diagnostic Meeting
We found it an interesting and successful meeting and are happy to already announce the 2nd Diagnostic Meeting wich will be held on 22 to 23 June of 2022 again with participation of the SCS.
Upcoming: 1st SSH-Diagnostic Meeting
We are looking forward to the first SSH Diagnostic Meeting which will take place virtually from the 24th to 25th of June. The first day will be dedicated to integrative diagnostics, bringing flow cytometry diagnostics together with molecular genetics into clinical use. Please find here more information on registration. Here is the preliminary program at a glance.
New Board composition
The new board has started its work as of January 2021. We are happy to announce the new board members and functions as follow:
Mathias Hauri-Hohl, MD, working place at the University Children’s Hospital Zurich, is elected new to the board. He is taking on the secretary duties. Francoise Solly, working Place at CHUV, joined as new regular board member. Ulrike Bacher was re-elected for a secondary board term. New in the function of treasurer will Julia Engels take care of the financial plan of the SCS.
We want to give special thanks to Michaela Fux (former treasurer) and Ewa Dudkiewicz (former secretary) for their work during their board participation in the last years!
SCS autumn meeting insights

The 1st virtual meeting could successfully take place online on the 3rd of November. Laura Vella presented a very exciting insight into COVID 19 immune monitoring of adults and children and additionally stimulated by another component of the immune system highlighted in the talk of Thibaud Spinette. These talks as well as the followed round table discussion is available in the member area of the homepage. There it will also be possible to have again a look at the very detailed and good overview of the CAR T therapy by Thomas Matthes and to get more information about the current multicentre activity of the working group on CART T companion diagnostic in flow.
The information about the General Assembly will also be available soon and of course we will inform you about the new board members and functions as soon as possible. So just drop by again soon.
3rd of November 2020 virtual SCS autumn meeting
The next SCS meeting will take place virtually on November 3rd 2020, from 1.15pm.
We will discuss very actual topics: “Immune monitoring in COVID-19” patients and “CAR-T cell monitoring”. There will be talks by MD-PhD Laura Vella, Division of Infectious Disease at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and PhD Tibaud Spinette, Department of BioMedical Research, Inselspital Bern on COVID-19 and Prof. Dr. Thomas Matthes, Department of Hematology will present on CAR T Monitoring.
There will also be the general assembly. Of note: two SCS board member will be ending their board activity by end of the year and this two position are open to the member for application.
Further information you can find here.
For access to the virtual meeting, please check your member information email from the 30th of October containing the link and outlook invitation.
If you are a member how did not receive the link to the virtual meeting, please contact us.
Quick guide: Join a Zoom Meeting
If you click on the link in the invitation e-mail, the browser will open automatically.
Next, choose whether you want to join the meeting via client or browser.
If you have not yet installed Zoom (client/App), you will be asked to do so. If it is already installed, the app will start and you can join the meeting directly.
–> if you want to join by browser (not downloading the Zoom client) select: Starten sie über ihren Browser.
Then enter your name in the browser and press the „join“ button.
In the videoconference itself you can share your sound and webcam so that others can hear and see you. However, this is not mandatory.
Alternatively, you can open the Zoom app, click on „Join“ and then enter the meeting ID to join the meeting.
Planed Meeting for autumn 2020
News: The board has decided in an extraordinary meeting to hold a virtual autumn meeting. As soon as more details are known, we will inform further.
Postponed Meetings
Due to the Corona Virus Pandemic the SCS Spring Meeting as well as the ESCCA Meeting and SGH/SSH Diagnostic Hematology Meeting will be postponed. We will keep you updated! Please check under Meetings for the new dates.
SCS Spring Meeting 2020
The SCS Spring Meeting will be postponed to autumn.
ESSCA summary 2019
Again a lot of interessting topics were adressed during the meeting. Find in the Member Area a summary note of the Borad member and SCS – ESCCA ambassador Bijan Moshaver.