1st to 3rd February 2023, Joint meeting of the SCS and the University Cytometry Core Labs in Switzerland

We are looking forward to a very interesting SCS Spring Meeting, which will start on February 1st. We will discuss exciting and important topics and are proud to have Prof. Marie-Christine Béné as speaker, an expert in the field of AML MRD diagnostics. In addition to the SCS General Assembly, relevant information on IVDR will be shared and a Best of ESCCA meeting will be presented. Furthermore, this meeting is organized in collaboration with the Swiss Cytometry Meeting and offers our members the opportunity to attend the scientific lectures of our research colleagues and to get input from this field.
The preliminary program you can find here.
The registration link can be found here and will be sent to all members by mail. There will be a special discount for technicians. In this email only there is also the possibility to register for the MRD workshop, where the analysis of rare events can be tested by means of different analysis software.
We are excited about this opportunity to present to our memeber a very special SCS Spring Meeting.
We are looking forward to meet you all there!